Peer Review Process

The Fringe Global Scientific Press is committed to generating exceptional works that achieve significant literary and policy achievements. Every manuscript is carefully selected using a meticulous procedure.

Step 1: Submission

The process begins with the submission of a paper, followed by a round of revisions. The chief editor checks the manuscript’s conformity with the journal’s scope and quality requirements during pre-screening.

Step 2: Approval and Peer Review

If the chief editor approves the manuscript, it proceeds to the peer review stage. Experts in the area conduct an in-depth assessment of the scientific value and contribution of the paper to the field. This process involves an integer decision to either:

Step 3: Author Revisions

Based on expert feedback, authors must make the necessary revisions and resubmit the paper for a second round of review.

Step 4: Final Decision

The revised manuscript undergoes another review process. The journal pre-checks and verifies the content before making the final decision to:

If everything is in order, the journal accepts the manuscript for publication, ensuring the highest quality and integrity.

Peer Review Process