About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Journal of Electronics and Power Engineering (JEPE) is aimed at providing a platform where professionals in the engineering domains of electronics and electrical engineering may share their latest findings and insights through the publication of research articles and reviews that discuss past and future problems and solutions. The scope of the journal encompasses a wide range of topics related to electronics, power, microwaves, VLSI, and electrical engineering, including:

  • Integrated Circuit Design
  • Semiconductor Technology
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Scattering And Diffraction
  • Antenna Theory and Radiation
  • Wireless Power Transfer and Harvesting
  • VLSI Circuit Design
  • Embedded Systems
  • Communication Systems
  • Signal Processing
  • Computer Engineering
  • Power Electronics and Power Systems
  • Medical Electronics
  • Motion Control
  • Drive Control Techniques


All articles in the journal are of Open Access (OA)


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Copyright Policy and License

Copyright Policy

Fringe Global Scientific Press publishes unique, previously unpublished works by authors who are not being considered for publication in other journals. The submission of a paper signifies that all co-authors have agreed to its publication. When authors submit their work to our journal’s online system, they confirm that they have read and comprehended the attached copyright agreement.


Fringe Global Scientific Press publishes all the papers under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) license. Authors have the liberty to replicate and distribute their work. Authors have the ability to use either the whole or a portion of their piece in compilations or other publications that include their own work. Please see the licensing terms for more information on reusing the work.