Publication Ethics

Fringe Global Scientific Press commits to an ethical policy that is founded upon the criteria established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and aligns with the norms of behaviour set out by the International Committee of Fringe Global Scientific Press Editorial Board. It is essential for readers, writers, reviewers, and editors to adhere to the ethical rules established by Fringe Global Scientific Press. The ethical policy of Fringe Global Scientific Press is responsible for determining the selection of research papers or articles that meet the criteria for publication in the relevant issue of the Journal. For details on this subject in publishing and ethical requirements please visit. For information on this matter in publishing and ethical guidelines please visit

Duties and Responsibilities of Publishers

  • Fringe Global Scientific Press is dedicated to upholding the authority of editorial judgements on manuscript submissions as ultimate and conclusive.
  • Fringe Global Scientific Press pledges to uphold a commitment to impartiality in the evaluation of manuscript submissions, prioritising professional judgement above any potential financial influences.
  • Fringe Global Scientific Press is dedicated to upholding the integrity of academic and research records.
  • The ethics of Fringe Global Scientific Press are being monitored by many individuals involved in the publication process, including the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members, Reviewers, Authors and Readers.
  • Fringe Global Scientific Press consistently conducts plagiarism and data fraud assessments on all submitted manuscripts.
  • Fringe Global Scientific Press demonstrates a consistent willingness to publish necessary revisions, clarifications and retractions pertaining to its publications.

  Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

  • The editors of the journal should be able to decide for themselves whether to accept or reject a paper.
  • The editors of the journal should keep the papers that are sent in secret while they are being reviewed or until they are released.
  • The Editor-in-Chief should make a judgement on whether or not to publish submitted papers in collaboration with other editors and reviewers.
  • It is essential for the Editors of the journal to uphold the principle of maintaining the anonymity of reviewers.
  • It is essential for the Editors of the journal to declare and make efforts to mitigate any potential conflicts of interest.
  • It is essential for the Editors of the journal to uphold academic integrity and make concerted efforts to cater to the requirements of both readers and authors.
  • Editors of the journal should be amenable to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary and willing to investigate instances of plagiarism and fraudulent data.
  • The editors of the journal ought to be constrained solely by the realm of intellectual substance.
  • The Editors of the journal are obligated to maintain confidentiality and refrain from sharing any details on submitted articles with anybody other than the corresponding author, reviewers, prospective reviewers, other editorial advisors and the publisher, as deemed appropriate.
  • The editor and members of the editorial board will refrain from using unpublished information provided in a submitted work for their own research endeavours unless they have obtained specific written approval from the author. 

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers

  • The reviewers of the journal are expected to provide assistance to the editors in making decisions on the publication of submitted papers.
  • It is essential for reviewers to uphold the principle of secrecy while handling manuscripts that have been extended to them for the purpose of review.
  • The reviewers are expected to promptly give constructive comments that will assist the editors in determining whether the submitted paper should be accepted for publication or not.
  • The reviewers are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of the paper submitted for peer review and are prohibited from using the information acquired during the peer review process for personal gain.
  • Reviewers should be technical, skilled and fair in their opinions on each accepted paper.
  • Reviewers shouldn't read papers where they have a personal or financial connection to any of the writers, companies or institutions mentioned.
  • If the reviewers have a conflict of interest, they should say so and try to stay away from it.

Duties and Responsibilities of Authors

  • When authors submit their manuscripts, they are required to confirm that their articles are free from plagiarism, constitute original work and adhere to all ethical and publishing policy standards set out by Fringe Global Scientific Press.
  • The author must acknowledge that they have not already submitted the paper for publication elsewhere and that they will refrain from submitting it to any other publication throughout the review process.
  • Assume all accountability for the work one submits to and publishes with Fringe Global Scientific Press.

Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Retrieved from