Energy, Economic and Environmental Scenario and Race to Low-Carbon Economyamong BRICS Countries


  • Archita Nayak Faculty, Department of Commerce, Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal-734014, India. Author
  • Kanti Paul Faculty, Department of Commerce, Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal-734014,India. Author



Geothermal Energy, Energy Security, Energy Independence, Rate of T&D Power losses, Energy Research Cooperation Platform


There has been a concentration on the current energy, economic, and environmental situation among the BRICS countries. When it comes to energy, the environment, and economics, China and India are at the top. Here is a correlation coefficient matrix that includes all BRICS countries: population size, GDP, primary energy consumption, and CO₂ equivalent emissions. All five BRICS countries and the BRICS group as a whole have taken stock of their climate action efforts and compared them to those of the globe, the G20, and the OECD. In every category, India has performed better than any of the other BRICS countries and the globe at large. As a whole, the BRICS forum's performance on climate action has been greatly enhanced by the efforts of India and Brazil. On the whole, the BRICS forum outperforms the G20 and the OECD. In order to achieve a low-carbon economy, the BRICS nations have concentrated their efforts, strategies, and initiatives


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Research Article

How to Cite

Archita Nayak, & Kanti Paul. (2024). Energy, Economic and Environmental Scenario and Race to Low-Carbon Economyamong BRICS Countries. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation(IJARI, 2347-3258), 12(4), 1-11.