Critical Success Factors of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Implementation in Bangladesh


  • Faruq Ahmed Associate Professor, Department of Management, Bangladesh Open University, Gazipur 1705, Bangladesh
  • Md. Mesbah Uddin Professor, Department of Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
  • Zahed Mannan Professor, Department of Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.



Public-private partnership, Critical success factors, Sub success factors, Bangladesh, Public sector, Private sector


Research on key success factors (CSFs) for public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives in developing nations is lacking, especially in South Asian countries like Bangladesh, despite the necessity of such studies. The purpose of this research is to learn how different public and private sector actors in Bangladesh view the CSFs and how those views affect the implementation of PPP projects in the country's infrastructure. To learn how public and private sector actors view the CSFs and SSFs of PPP projects, a questionnaire survey was used. After reviewing the literature, we were able to identify CSFs and SSFs and test the level of agreement between public and private sector respondents. We utilized SPSS software to rank the CSFs and SSFs and look at the perceived disparities between the sectors; 59 responses were usable in total. According to the findings, "economic viability" was the most important criterion, followed by "suitable risk allocation," "sound financial packages," "promising investment environment," and "dependable concessionaire" in that order. The perceptions between the sectors are likewise found to be mixed. In Bangladesh, key parties must be engaged and consensus must be reached over this finding


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Research Article

How to Cite

Faruq Ahmed, Md. Mesbah Uddin, & Zahed Mannan. (2024). Critical Success Factors of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Implementation in Bangladesh. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation(IJARI, 2347-3258), 12(4), 18-25.