Automated Information Retrieval System for Hospital Records Management


  • Alali Diseph Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni P.M.B 5047, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Author
  • Ojekudo Nathaniel. A Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni P.M.B 5047, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Author
  • Egbono Frank Fubara Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Department of Human Physiology, College of Health Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Choba, P.M.B 532, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Author



patient information, hospital record management, poor management, automated information retrieval system


This Research work in its present form is a result of poor management of retrieval patient’s information in hospitals. As a result of that, papers are wasted to stock data of patients in the hospital, time consuming to search for patient information and also handwriting of some administrators are not very clear. The idea is to develop a java program application software for the management and ease retrieval of patients’ information in hospitals, and this led to the development of automated information retrieval system for hospital record management. It commences by first reviewing existing system, compare similar systems, review relevant concepts/technologies related to the system, review system development methodologies and propose waterfall model for the development of the new system. Fact –findings/ informatio gathering was done, analysis of the requirements, designed the database and inter-face, code the system using java program and programming language, evaluate the system and finally a test plan was carried out. After conducting the test plan, the system was confirmed to meet its requirements, working effectively/ accurately in line with the scope, an administrator control page for administrator to add/update/retrieve patient information, computerized database system to store patient information which is easy to maintain and retrieve. Government at all levels and private hospitals should adopt and implement this automated system in their facilities to ensure effective service delivery. 


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Research Article

How to Cite

Alali Diseph, Ojekudo Nathaniel. A, & Egbono Frank Fubara. (2023). Automated Information Retrieval System for Hospital Records Management. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation(IJARI, 2347-3258), 11(3), 7-10.