A Secure Blockchain Based Student Certificate Generation and Sharing System
Data sharing, distributed systems, computer network, certificate blockchain, ethereumAbstract
In order to handle and validate academic credentials in a distributed, secure manner, blockchain technology is employed for generation of student academic certificates. This paper addresses the three important aspects of the application i.e. need for generation of student academic certificate, sharing it over the secure digital platform i.e. dapp which stores and exchange academic credentials with third parties for verification i.e. selective disclosure of certificates. Additionally, it discusses the necessity of authenticating certificates through blockchain technology by which management and ownership of the certifications is done securely. The users of the application include the universities, students and verifiers. The dapp consists of two profiles i.e. universities who issue the academic certificates by filling out the student details; students who receive them, view and manage the certificates over the student’s dashboard and can also share them with third party. The suggested method offers controlled exchange of student information and upholds information privacy through blockchain in addition to minimizing paper-based tasks. Issuing, sharing and verifying academic certificates while improving privacy and saving the time are the important aspects of the application.
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