5G Resource Allocation between Channels with Non-Linear Analysis to Construct Urban Smart Information Communication Technology (ICT)
5G communication, game theory, cooperative model, resource allocation, non-linear analysisAbstract
5G communication technology with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) marks a transformative leap in connectivity and data exchange. 5G, the fifth generation of mobile networks, brings unprecedented speed, low latency, and high capacity, significantly enhancing the capabilities of ICT systems. This synergy propels the development and deployment of innovative solutions across various sectors. In smart cities, for example, 5G-enabled ICT facilitates seamless communication among interconnected devices, sensors, and infrastructure, enabling efficient management of resources, traffic, and public services. In the business landscape, 5G-ICT integration supports advanced applications such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), revolutionizing industries like healthcare, education, and manufacturing. The enhanced speed and reliability of 5G also empower the Internet of Things (IoT), enabling a vast network of devices to communicate in real time, creating opportunities for automation, remote monitoring, and predictive analytics. This paper explores advanced resource allocation strategies in 5G networks, integrating cooperative game theory and non-linear analysis to optimize performance and facilitate equitable distribution of resources. The cooperative game theory framework, exemplified by Shapley values, establishes fair allocations among network entities, fostering collaboration and efficiency. Complementarily, non-linear analysis and resource allocation based on frequency bands, data rates, and latency address the diverse needs of 5G applications. Further granularity categorizes users into primary and secondary types and details frequency bands, time slots, and transmit power allocations. These findings contribute to a comprehensive resource allocation framework, considering the dynamic nature of 5G networks. The paper’s conclusions emphasize the potential for continued research in adaptive allocation strategies and real-time optimization, ensuring the ongoing advancement of 5G communication networks to meet evolving demands.
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