Comparative Analysis of Load Balancing and Service Broker Algorithms in Cloud Computing


  • Tejinder Sharma Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar-143001, Punjab, India Author
  • Narinder Sharma 2 Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amritsar Group of Colleges, Amritsar-143001, Punjab, India. Author



Cloud computing, Load balancer, service broker algorithm, resource utilization, VM


Cloud computing is a phenomenon which is growing exponentially for the enhanced use of network services, where, the proficiency of one node can be utilized by another node as per requirement of the end users. To manage these types of requirements in the precise and accurate way, various load balancing and service brokering techniques/algorithms have been proposed by the developers/researchers. The Techniques/algorithms discussed in this manuscript ensures the uniform distribution of the load on individual node along with optimal resource utilization and faster response time. This Manuscript demonstrates the comparative analysis of the various existing load balancing algorithms and service broker policies based on the available state-of -art literature along with the required performance metrics and challenges faced by researchers while proposing the new algorithms.


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How to Cite

Tejinder Sharma, & Narinder Sharma. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Load Balancing and Service Broker Algorithms in Cloud Computing. Journal of Computer Allied Intelligence(JCAI, ISSN: 2584-2676), 2(6), 19-50.