
Journal of Computer Allied Intelligence(JCAI)
ISSN               : 2584-2676
Product Type         : Journal
Frequency of publication      : Bi-monthly
Publication Months       : February, April, June, August, October, December
Language           : English
Starting year          : 2023
Format of publication            : Online
Publisher details         : Fringe Global Scientific Press
Editor-in-Chief               : Dr. Bhupendra Singh Chauhan

Indexing: CrossRef, Google Scholar,IPIndexing,J-Gate,Portico,Publons,Road,ResearchGate,Scilit
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Journal of Sensors, IoT & Health Sciences (JSIHS)

ISSN               : 2584-2560
Product Type         : Journal
Frequency of publication      : Quarterly
Publication Months       : March,June, September, December
Language           : English
Starting year          : 2023
Format of publication            : Online
Publisher details         : Fringe Global Scientific Press
Editor-in-Chief               : Dr. HeeChang Lim

Indexing:CrossRef, Google Scholar ,IPIndexing,J-Gate,Portico,Publons,Road,ResearchGate,Scilit
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Journal of Advanced Wireless Connect Technology in Electronics(JAWCTE)
ISSN              : XXXX
Product Type         : Journal
Frequency of publication      : Bimonthly
Publication Months       : February, April, June, August, October, December
Language           : English
Starting year          : 2023
Format of publication            : Online
Publisher details         : Fringe Global Scientific Press
Editor-in-Chief               : XXXX

Indexing: coming soon
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Journal of Eletrical Advancements (JEA)
ISSN              : XXXX
Product Type         : Journal
Frequency of publication      : Bimonthly
Publication Months       : February, April, June, August, October, December
Language           : English
Starting year          : 2023
Format of publication            : Online
Publisher details         : Fringe Global Scientific Press
Editor-in-Chief               : XXXX

Indexing: coming soon
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Journal of Digital Dynamics in Computer Science (JDDCS)
ISSN              : XXXX
Product Type         : Journal
Frequency of publication      : Bimonthly
Publication Months       : February, April, June, August, October, December
Language           : English
Starting year          : 2023
Format of publication            : Online
Publisher details         : Fringe Global Scientific Press
Editor-in-Chief               : XXXXX

Indexing: coming soon
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