Aims and Scope
Journal of Computer Allied Intelligence (JCAI, ISSN: 2584-2676) is an open access peer-reviewed, Bi-monthly international journal that publishes articles which provide a respectable forum for cutting-edge discoveries, advancements and in-depth analysis in the area of Computer Science fields. The ability of a computer to execute activities that are traditionally believed to require human intellect common applications include game playing, language translation, expert systems, and robotics. While the concept of pseudo-intelligent machines may be traced back to ancient times, the emergence of genuine intelligence was dependent on the advancement of digital computers. The primary objective is to achieve proficiency in the rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through the provision of high-quality education. Additionally, the aim is to improve research capabilities and problem-solving skills in the realm of Computer Science and Engineering, with a specific emphasis on preparing individuals for the demands of the industry. Furthermore, the goal is to facilitate career development and foster professional growth.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Communcation Technologies
  • Computer Vision
  • Digital image Processing
  • Fuzzy Computing
  • Informaton Technology
  • Intelligent systems
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Robotic Engineering
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Computer Allied Intelligence on all Fields (Education Field, Sports, Real time applications etc….)